Maximize Profit Adding Clinical Associates Part 1
Part I: Building The Foundation to Introduce Associates. Stabilize, Streamline, Define, Prepare For Expansion…
Dreaming of expanding your private practice by adding associates? Overwhelmed about where to start, or how to structure this business process? The task of adding clinical associates can be daunting and difficult to safely structure; additionally, there is little information in the marketplace about this process. Adding clinical associates is a wonderful way to:
* Maximize profit
* Add additional streams of revenue to your business,
* Expand your brand and reach, generate a lasting reputation,
* All while creating a secure practice model that is not wholly reliant on personally providing direct clinical care!
This comprehensive, fast paced, two part series, will ensure you reach your goals of expansion, by first helping you to create a stable business platform, primed for expansion, and then providing you with recommended business practices, strategies and optimal structure to expand safely and with confidence!